Coljuegos, the national gambling regulatory authority in Colombia, has introduced stricter regulations on the promotion of gambling activities. These measures aim to protect consumers and ensure responsible gambling practices in the country.

According to the new guidelines, gambling operators in the country must comply with the following rules: giant Shakira statue Follow strict rules when advertising your services. These regulations apply to a variety of advertising channels, including television, radio, print media and online platforms.

One of the main goals of these regulations is to prevent vulnerable people, especially minors, from being exposed to gambling advertising. Therefore, advertisements aimed at general audiences need to be scheduled at specific times to prevent them from reaching minors.

Additionally, gambling operators are prohibited from using misleading or exaggerated advertising practices that could misinform or deceive potential customers. They should provide clear and accurate information about the risks involved in gambling and include appropriate warnings and disclaimers in their advertising, he said.

Coljuegos also placed restrictions on the content and message of gambling ads. For example, gambling operators are not allowed to use celebrities, athletes or public figures to promote their services to avoid associating gambling with glamor or success. Advertisements should instead focus on responsible gambling and highlight potential risks.

In addition to these guidelines, Coljuegos requires gambling operators to offer responsible gambling features on their platforms. The purpose of these features is to prevent excessive gambling and promote a safe gambling environment. Operators must provide options for setting deposit limits, self-exclusion and accessing responsible gambling resources.

Colombia's national gambling regulatory authority is implementing these stricter regulations to ensure gambling operators act responsibly and ethically while protecting consumers from potential harm through excessive gambling to protect. Coljuegos aims to reduce the negative consequences and social impact of gambling in Colombia by providing tighter control over gambling advertising.

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